Ideation - the formation of ideas or concepts
Aesthetic - concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty
Articulate - having the ability to speak fluently and coherently
Emphasis - give special importance or prominence to (something) in speaking or writing
Subjective - based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions
Perspective - a point of view
Instigate - bring about or initiate (an action or event)
Symbiotic - a mutually beneficial relationship between different people or groups
Procedure - an established or official way of doing something
Monochromatic - containing or using only one color
Analogous - comparable in certain respects, typically in a way that makes clearer the nature of the things compared.
Antithesis - a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else
Emulate - match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation
Utilize - to make practical and efficient use of
Diameter - a straight line passing from side to side through the center of a body or figure, especially a circle or sphere.
Pragmatic - dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations
Circumference - the distance around something:
Aperture - a space through which light passes in an optical or photographic instrument, especially the variable opening by which light enters a camera.
Continuity - the unbroken and consistent existence or operation of something over a period of time
Fringe - the outer, marginal, or extreme part of an area, group, or sphere of activity
Evocative - bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind
Narrative - a spoken or written account of connected events; a story
Ubiquitous - present, appearing, or found everywhere
Redundancy -the state of being not or no longer needed or useful
Criteria - a principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided
Juxtaposition - place or deal with close together for contrasting effect
Intrinsic - belonging naturally; essential
Extrinsic - not part of the essential nature of someone or something; coming or operating from outside
Render - cause to be or become; make or process
Reluctant - unwilling and hesitant; disincline
Exponential - becoming more and more rapid
Copious - abundant in supply and quantity
Revision - a revised edition or form of something.
Genre - a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter
Logistics - the detailed coordination of a complex operation involving many people, facilities, or supplies
Efficient - achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense
Proficient - competent or skilled in doing or using something
Illusion - a false idea or belief
Optimum - most conducive with a favorable outcome
Redundant- no longer needed or useful. Superfluous
Innocuous - not harmful or offensive
Visionary - thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom
Figurative - departing from a literal use of words; metaphorical
Integral - necessary to make a whole complete; essential or fundamental
Allegory - a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one
Manipulate - to handle or control in a skillful manner
Procure - obtain something with care or effort
Aggregate - a whole formed by combining several (typically disparate) elements
Regale - entertain or amuse (someone) with talk:
Catalyst - a person or thing that precipitates an event
Enthusiasm - intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval
Foreshorten - portray or show (an object or view) as closer than it is or as having less depth or distance, as an effect of perspective or the angle of vision:
Verve - vigor and spirit or enthusiasm
Responsibility - the state or fact of being accountable or to blame for something
Empowerment- enable (someone) to do (something)
Vernacular - the language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region
Imitation - a thing intended to simulate or copy something else
Displacement - the moving of something from its place or position
Sequence - a particular order in which related events, movements, or things follow each other
Transparency- an image, text, or positive transparent photograph printed on transparent plastic or glass, able to be viewed using a projector
Continuity - the maintenance of continuous action and self-consistent detail in the various scenes of a movie or broadcast
Imitation - a thing intended to simulate or copy something else
Atmosphere - the pervading tone or mood of a place, situation, or work of art
Redemption - the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil
Manipulate - to handle or control in a skillful manner
Solitude - the state or situation of being alone
Transcendence - beyond or above the range of normal or merely physical human experience
Quandary - a state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation
Meticulous - showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise
Symbolism - the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities
Redemption - the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil
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