Monday, November 18, 2019

Project #7 – Series/Narrative based on One Image/One Idea Assignment

Digital Journal 7:

Come up with 3 potential artist statements.  Don't over think these.  This is an exercise to prepare you for your final artist statement for your portfolio (if you're in AP for the rest of the year).  Use whatever ideation process works best for you to generate ideas.  (For me, I listen to music to get inspired, or meditate and focus on the things I'm grateful for.)
For each Artist Statement, write a brief description of what we might see in your 12 photographic works.

These 3 artist statements are due by the end of class on Thursday, November 21st.
Naming Convention: _dj7


Your series should explore one idea/artist statement more in depth than in the 10 Photos a Day for a Week project.
You will have 1 Month to shoot and edit at least 12 Photographs that reflect ONE of your personal artist statements.

Friday, January 16th:  Submit ALL 12 works of art for this assignment on an 8" x 11"document with 3 Columns and 4 Rows in Photoshop with the ONE IDEA (your Artist Statement) titled at the top of this document, with your artist statement underneath, followed by your 12 images and the defense of your artist statement at the bottom of this document.  

Websites to look at: - How to Write an Artist Statement - Examples of AP Artist Statements (Concentrations) - Cut Out Portraits

Due: At the end of class on Tuesday,  January 21st.

Naming Convention: _oneidea

Your grade for this assignment will be based on several factors:
  • Completion of each image turned in on a contact sheet.
  • Turned in on time (formative)
  • The quality and creativity of your 12 best images
  • Your choice of which photos to possibly use for your portfolio (summative).

Monday, November 4, 2019

Project #6: Abstract Photography

Digital Journal 6:

Create an 8" X 11" Photoshop document:
Google "Abstract Photography Definition".
Write out this definition on your Digital Journal.
Find 10 images that you find interesting and represent Abstract photography, and incorporate them onto this document.
Next, think about 10 objects, subjects, or places that you could use to create an abstract photograph.
Include these on your Digital Journal.
Name it _dj6

Project #6
When creating Abstract photography.....

Use your imagination when creating your photos. The only rule is that they have to look totally, absolutely, unforgettably creative and awesome. This is an exercise in reducing the photo to basic elements. Simplicity is very important when composing abstracts. Abstracts are about eliminating unwanted details.  Think in terms of the concepts we’ve discussed in class.  Put the objects in beautiful light with dramatic shadows and use interesting compositions.  Experiment with your camera angle until the scene shows the elements in the most pleasing balance. REMEMBER -WITH ABSTRACT PHOTOS, "LESS IS MORE.

Read the following article by Ron Bigelow and click on some of the examples of his work.

You will be taking 20 photographic examples of Abstract photography, and editing them using Tone Curves in Lightroom or Photoshop, to increase your Dynamic Range on ALL of your Photographic Works for this assignment.

This project will be due by the end of class on Thursday, Nov. 14h
4 Columns and 5 Rows Naming convention _abstract

Your grade for this assignment will be based on several factors:
  • Completion of each image turned in on a contact sheet.
  • Turned in on time (formative)
  • The quality and creativity of your 20 best Abstract images