Name it _dj13.
On this document you will begin to brainstorm an artist statement for your AP portfolio' s Concentration. This artist statement will be the foundation of your body of photographic works, and must be applied to every photograph in your Concentration portfolio.
Ideas to brainstorm:
- Write down any ideas of a visual them that come to mind, even if it's just one word or a phrase.
- Where might these photos be taken?
- What objects/subjects, or imagery might we see in these photos?
- Are these photos digitally manipulated? How?
Come up with minimum of 3 possible artist statements for your concentration.
Now go online and find examples of other artists or photographers who's work might inspire you, or be used as an example of what type of style or composition your photographs could look like.
Strive to find at least 5 photographic examples of each of your 3 artist statements you come up with and include them on your digital journal.
Websites to look
at: - How to Write an Artist Statement - Examples of AP Artist Statements (Concentrations) - How to Write an Artist Statement - Examples of AP Artist Statements (Concentrations)
- “A Natural Selection” - Cut
Out Portraits
- Pop up Books
- Arctic Wonderland
Due: At the beginning of class on Wednesday, March 2nd.
Naming Convention: _dj13
You will then be turning in just 1 photo of your revised Concentration Artist Statement on Friday, March 11th.
Naming Convention: _dj13
You will then be turning in just 1 photo of your revised Concentration Artist Statement on Friday, March 11th.
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