Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Welcome AP Students - Required Reading Below

I am happy to welcome you to AP 2-D Studio Art/Photography course.
This AP course is designed for students who are seriously interested in the practical experience of art and wish to develop mastery in the concept, composition, and execution of their ideas. AP Studio Art is not based on a written exam; instead, students submit portfolios or evaluation at the end of the school year. In building the portfolio, students experience a variety of concepts, techniques, and approaches designed to help them demonstrate their abilities as well as their versatility with techniques, problem solving, and ideation. Students also develop a body of work for the Concentration section of the portfolio that investigates an idea of personal interest to them. This website is designed to help keep you informed on all projects, assigned readings, and updates on class discussions over the course of the semester. Whenever you have any questions regarding assignments or topics, you can first look on this website for details. If your questions remain unanswered, feel free to email me at

Please return all materials that require a Parental/Guardian signature, and the $20 Lab Fee to me as soon as possible. Students will not have access to cameras and camera equipment until the Lab Fee, Academic Plan and Out of Class Permission forms are signed and returned. 

The assignments that are posted below are essential for your understanding and introduction into AP Photography.  For some of you, this material will be a refresher from the curriculum in Digital Photography 1 and 2.  For the rest, it will be new material that you must review thoroughly before the 1st week of school.

Please click on the link to this website and read through ALL of the 'Guidelines for Beginning Photographic Composition.'
This material was covered in my Digital Photography 1 and 2 classes and are essential to understanding the core curriculum for this year's AP Photography class.

The 6 Rules of Photographic Composition:
  1. Simplicity
  2. Rule of Thirds
  3. Balance
  4. Leading Lines
  5. Framing
  6. Color Contrast

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